👻All Saints Day Party!
Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
Spooky Joke Time
Come up to the stage and tell a spooky joke or pun!
Fashion Contest!
Dress in your best Halloween outfit! Spooky, cute, or anything in-between!
Vi Ria, Hana Song and Kiki Furrytail are judges.
First Place Prize (Mog Station items up to $15, donated by Lynn Locke)
Second Place Prize (1,000,000 gil)
Third Place Prize (600,000 gil)
Consolation Prize (50,000 gil)
Popular Choice Prize (300,000 gil)
People send Vi Ria a /tell with their favorite outfit.
Scoring Criteria
Contestants submit a description and inspiration of their outfit ahead of time for the announcement.
Grooming: Hair style and hair color matches overall outfit.
Modeling skills: Displays confidence. Walks on stage and centers with an appropriate amount of time. Uses appropriate, well timed, and graceful gestures.
Theme: Outfit appropriately matches the theme of the contest without mismatching or confusing pieces.
Originality: Outfit shows relative originality with respect to current trends. Current trends may be reflected, but appropriately interpreted without losing personal flair.
Color: Color is becoming to the individual’s personal clothing, figure, and personality. Color combinations used in the garment are pleasing.
Accessories: Style and color are becoming to model, suitable to style of garment, and suitable for intended purpose. Includes earrings, necklace, bracelet, and rings.
Overall coordination: Outfit creates a total effect that is well coordinated.
Roll to your death and win big!
People tell the host if they’re participating.
Host organizes participants in an order.
First participant does /dice to make a roll between 1 and 999.
Next participant uses the last participant’s result and does /dice [number]
Example: First participant rolls 879. Second participant then does /dice 879
Participants keep going in order until someone rolls a 1.
Participant who rolls a 1 is dead and out!
Continue with the participant that would come after the dead person.
Winner of a round cannot participate in subsequent rounds.
First Round Prize (200,000 gil)
Second Round Prize (Mog Station Back-flip Emote, donated by Madam Katherine)
Roll high or low, according to the host, to win big!
3 Winners (200,000 / 100,000 / 75,000 gil prizes)
Use /random to enter.
Host announces highest number or lowest number to win.
City Trick-or-Treat
Visit the main cities of Eorzea and pass out treats!
Limsa, Gridana, Ul’Dah
Jack-o’-Lantern, Ginger Cookie, Sweet and Sour Frogs' Legs
Optionally do fun emotes as ‘tricks’!
Fun Spooky Movie Night!
Join us in Discord for a fun Halloween movie!
Note: Must be part of Fun Club FC to win prizes.
Proposed Itinerary
6:00 Spooky Joke Time
Everyone at FC house by the stage.
People come up on stage to tell a spooky joke!
6:15 Fashion Contest
Contestants go backstage and change.
Host calls contestants up one-by-one, who come out to the runway.
Host takes photos of each contestant.
Contestants return backstage after completing their runway walk.
Everyone sends Lead Judge /tells with the name of the person with their favorite outfit
Judges count up and compare scores.
Lead Judge announces winners one-by-one.
Contestants come up and receive prizes from Host.
Contestants all return on stage to take group photos.
7:00 Deathrolls
People interested in participating tell the host and go up on stage.
Host organizes people in an order.
Commence deathrolling!
People who get “killed” exit to the crowd.
Last person “alive” for each round receives a prize from Hana Song.
8:00 City Trick-or-Treat Parade
People interested in parading through the streets parties up.
Participants obtain treat sets from officers.
Participants dress up in a Halloween-themed outfit.
Everyone travels to Limsa at route start, then starts walking towards the checkpoint.
/say Trick-or-Treat! Send me a /tell to get a trick or a treat!
If “trick,” do some funny emotes. If “treat,” give them a tasty food item.
Proceed through each checkpoint, then move on to the next city and repeat.
9:00 Movie Night
Join us in Discord to watch Hocus Pocus!
Fashion Contest
1st Platinum Star (Goro Majima, Yakuza game)
2nd Tsuyu & Zanes Ayase (Velma and Shaggy, Scooby-Doo show)
3rd Fluffy Rabbit (Jessica Rabbit, Who Framed Roger Rabbit? movie)
Popular choice Tsuyu & Zanes Ayase
Ferric Fireheart
U’kiyah Vahna
1st round Okhi Eryut 2nd round Hana Song
75k Soup Boy 100k Kyubi Rex 200k Soup Boy
Last updated