FC Chest
Learn about our Company Chest!
The FC chest is a free company feature that lets members store and take items from shared storage boxes. Boxes have various levels of access depending on member ranks.
Valuable Donations If you'd like to donate a valuable item for our giveaways, please contact Team! High-value donations are generally worth at least 100k gil on the Brynhildr MB.
Fun Club's FC Chest Boxes
FC Chest is for FC member use only FC chest items are to be used by characters who are members of the FC. If you are part of the FC, please only take what you can use on your FC member character. No reselling or giving to non-FC characters.
We've organized the FC Chest boxes to generally contain certain items.
Please leave "cleaning out" and reorganizing items to officers except for Eternal Bond invites.
The chest has limited space, so please limit donations to completed items ready to use. Avoid adding materials (stone, lumber, ingredients, reagents, cloth, etc.) since those can quickly fill it up.
Box 1 (Adventurer and up)
Food used for EXP gains
Chocobo stable items
Glamour items
Glamour prisms and dispellers
Eternal Bond invites
Confetti items
Box 2 (Hero and up)
Orchestrion rolls
Valuable materia
Eternal Bond invites
Box 3 (Guardian and up)
Thavnairian Onions
Current raid food
Seeds/materials used for gardening
Slightly more valuable items
Other valuable materials
Box 4 (Scions)
Onion and raid food refills for Box 3
FC furnishings and housing items
Party supplies/handouts
Box 5 (Archons)
Giveaway items and prizes!
Special materials used for workshop prototypes
Materials used to craft Grade III Wheels
Parts for airships and submarines
FC furnishings and housing items
Items used to deploy voyages (Ceruleum Tank, Magitek Repair Materials)
Valuables used for pure fundraising
Special FC-only confetti items
Last updated