Summer Beach Party!
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Sparklers, confetti
Dance party, sync’d dancing
Climbing Puzzle!
Climb to the top of the climbing puzzle by the FC house!
Vi Ria is the judge.
First to top wins.
Winner gets 150,000 gil.
Second place gets 100,000 gil.
Third place gets 50,000 gil.
Consolation prizes get 25,000 gil.
Mount Race!
Race around the housing area and back to the beach on your favorite mount!
Starts at the entrance to the beach next to the FC house:
Finishes with first player to touch the beach at the starting point, after completing the route:
3 laps around the route.
Vi Ria is the flagger/judge.
First Place Prize (200,000 gil)
Second Place Prize (150,000 gil)
Third Place Prize (100,000 gil)
Fashion Contest!
Dress for summer with your best summer outfit!
Vi Ria and Ari Frian are judges.
First Place Prize (Mog Station item up to $10, donated by Lynn Locke)
Second Place Prize (200,000 gil)
Third Place Prize (150,000 gil)
Consolation Prize (25,000 gil)
Popular Choice Prize (100,000 gil)
People send Vi Ria a /tell with their favorite outfit.
Roll high or low, according to the host, to win big!
Vi Ria is the host.
5 Winners (200,000 / 100,000 / 75,000 / 50,000 / 25,000 gil prizes)
Use /random to enter.
Host announces highest number or lowest number to win.
Note: Must be part of Fun Club FC to win prizes.
Proposed Itinerary
5:20 Head to beach
Start celebrations with fireworks and effects
Ask everyone to show off their favorite dance moves
Ask everyone to group up for group photos
Dance emotes, normal emotes, then silly emotes
5:30 Climbing puzzle
Vi Ria gets to top before 5:45
Challengers start at the pavilion
5:45 START, up to 15min challenge
Vi Ria announces winners
6:00 Mount race
Racers group up at FC house entrance
Create parties and set out markers
Vi Ria guides everyone through a lap
Everyone gets to practice a lap
6:45 START, up to 15min race, 3 laps
Finish line back at FC entrance
Vi Ria announces winners
6:15 Fashion contest
Group up by the pavilion.
Contestants go to FC yard and change.
Vi Ria calls contestants up one-by-one.
Vi Ria takes photos of each contestant.
Contestants go over the FC yard bridge to the pavilion.
Contestants exit to the crowd.
Everyone sends Vi Ria a /tell with the name of the person with their favorite outfit.
Judges count up and compare scores.
Vi Ria announces winners, including popular choice winner at the end.
Group photo of contestants at the end.
7:00 Raffle & Wrap-up
Gather back on beach
Vi Ria chooses roll high or low to raffle gil
Contestants use /random to roll
Ask if anyone would like to get on stage and say a favorite memory from this summer
Celebrate with fireworks
Thank everyone for coming!
Climbing puzzle
1st Kiki Furrytail 2nd Izii Bhell 3rd Sylvi Moon Madam Katherine consolation
Mount Race
1st Izii Bhell 2nd Ari Frian 3rd Hana Song
Fashion Contest
1st Place
Mona Moon
2nd Place
Madam Katherine
3rd Place (tie)
Elaina Ellesmere
3rd Place (tie)
Sylvi Moon
Popular Choice
Elaina Ellesmere
25k Izii Bhell 50k Mona Moon 75k Taliana Auclair 100k Mona Moon 200k Ari Frian
Last updated