Summer Beach Party!
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Last updated
~Let’s have fun in the sun before summer ends!~
~Race to the top of the Shirogane climbing puzzle in the FC house ward!~
Officiated by Vi Ria!
First to the top: 500,000 gil and Splash Emote donated by Hana Song!
Second to the top: 250,000 gil
Third to the top: 150,000 gil
Consolation Prize: 25,000 gil
Note: Must be a member of Fun Club FC to win prizes.
~Dress your best in the Summer Fashion Contest!~
Dress in a nice summery outfit perfect for hanging out on the beach! Look cool with some sunglasses, hot with the perfect bikini or trunks, or dress in a refreshing summer-casual outfit!
First Place Prize: 750,000 gil and $10 Mog Station prize donated by Gumball!
Second Place Prize: 500,000 gil
Third Place Prize: 250,000 gil
Consolation Prize: 50,000 gil
Popular Choice Prize: 250,000 gil and Endless Summer Attire donated by Calliope!
Register in the Discord #📝event-signup channel or contact Hana Song if interested!
Send a description and inspiration for your outfit to Hana Song ahead of time to be announced when called up on stage.
At fashion contest start time, congregate to the designated area and wait to be called.
When called up, proceed to the pavilion on the Shirogane beachside. Pose for the judges!
Judged by Vi Ria, Calliope Calypso and Tasn Zhen!
Judges will judge outfits and participants based on Fashion Contest Scoring Criteria.
To vote for Popular Choice, send Vi Ria a /tell with your favorite contestant!
Grooming: Hair style and hair color matches overall outfit.
Modeling skills: Displays confidence. Walks on stage and centers with an appropriate amount of time. Uses appropriate and well timed emotes.
Theme: Outfit appropriately matches the theme of the contest without mismatching or confusing pieces.
Originality: Outfit shows relative originality with respect to current trends. Current trends may be reflected, but appropriately interpreted without losing personal flair.
Color: Color is becoming to the individual’s personal clothing, figure, and personality. Color combinations used in the garment are pleasing.
Accessories: Style and color are becoming to model, suitable to style of garment, and suitable for intended purpose. Includes earrings, necklace, bracelet, and rings.
Overall coordination: Outfit creates a total effect that is well coordinated.
Note: Must be a member of Fun Club FC to participate in the fashion contest.
~Take the best photo of FC members having fun at the beach party!~
Entry Period: Sunday, August 21 at 5:00pm - 11:59pm PT
Let’s have fun at the beach! Take a screenshot at the beach party!
Take a solo screenshot of just yourself or a group shot with your and other FC members!
Capture that special moment when someone splashes you in the face!
Take a long walk on the beach with the sun setting in the horizon.
Make sparks fly with a shot of you and friends watching fireworks in the sky!
Or capture an amazing FC group shot that shows everyone’s fun side!
Original: Vanilla screenshots using only in-game options.
Edited: Screenshots using any third-party tools or editing software.
Only 1 total entry per person. Must specify a category to enter for.
Prizes are adjusted based on how many entries there are in a category.
First Place
250,000 gil
500,000 gil
1,000,000 gil
Second Place
150,000 gil
250,000 gil
500,000 gil
Third Place
150,000 gil
250,000 gil
Popular Choice
150,000 gil
250,000 gil
500,000 gil
50,000 gil
50,000 gil
Tier 1: 1-2 entries Tier 2: 3-4 entries Tier 3: 5+ entries
Capture 1 screenshot that follows the established theme.
Send Hana Song your perfect screenshot entry by 11:59pm PT the day of the party!
Hana will post your entry in a special #beachparty-contest channel!
Sunday, August 22 at 12:00am PT - Sunday, August 28 at 4:00pm PT
Judged by P'tako Agemo, Calliope Calypso and Sumielle Avendin!
Judges will judge screenshots based on Screenshot Contest Scoring Criteria.
To vote for Popular Choice, submit the form provided in the Discord announcement!
Winners will be announced at the Sunday, August 28 FC Meeting at 5:00pm PT.
Setting: Setting appropriately matches the theme of the contest without unrelated background elements.
Outfit: Outfit appropriately matches the theme of the contest without mismatching or confusing pieces.
Originality: Screenshot shows relative originality with respect to current trends. Current trends may be reflected, but appropriately interpreted without losing personal flair.
Overall creativity: Screenshot is creatively captured in terms of model pose in relation to the setting, angle used, use of additional flair like frames and stickers, special effects, etc.
Overall composition: Screenshot's combination of elements creates an effect that is well composed with consideration of lighting, colors, foreground, background, subject, flair, effects, etc.
Note: Must be a member of Fun Club FC to participate in the screenshot contest.
~Let's have fun playing hide-and-seek in Limsa Lominsa!~
Officiated by Gumball Gumball!
Please be sure to have the Limsa Lominsa main city unlocked before the event!
At the end, meet back up in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (7.5x, 15y) for rewards and giveaways!
First Place Prize: 750,000 gil
Second Place Prize: 500,000 gil
Third Place Prize: 250,000 gil
Roll high or low to win a variety of prizes like minions, mounts, gil and Mog Station goodies!
Hosted by Sumielle Avendin, Gumball Gumball and P'tako Agemo!
Use /dice fc to enter.
Host announces the highest number or lowest number to win.
Note: Must be a member of Fun Club FC to win prizes.
5:00pm Beach Party and Screenshot Contest Starts!
Start celebrations with fireworks and confetti!
Get refreshments from Calliope!
Show off your favorite dance moves and emotes!
Group up for fun photos!
Take photos for the screenshot contest!
5:15pm Giveaways!
5:30pm Shirogane Climbing Puzzle Challenge!
Challengers start at the pavilion.
6:40pm START, up to 15min challenge.
Vi Ria announces winners.
6:00pm Summer Fashion Contest!
Group up by the pavilion!
Hana Song calls contestants up one-by-one.
Send Vi Ria a /tell with the name of the contestant in your favorite outfit.
Contestants all return on stage to take group photos!
A judge announces winners, including the popular choice winner at the end.
Contestants come up and receive prizes from Host.
7:00pm Limsa Hide-and-Seek!
8:00pm Giveaways & Wrap-up!
Gather in Limsa Upper Decks!
Last giveaways!
Celebrate with fireworks!
1st Place Winner
Vivian Waffles
2nd Place Winner
Sunwu Kon
3rd Place Winner
Philia Kokone
1st Place Winner
Jimmy Scrambles
2nd Place Winner
Sidhiel Lu'nari
3rd Place Winner
Ruva Kirke
Popular Choice Winner
Sidhiel Lu'nari
W’llayan V'huh Philia Kokone
1st Place Winner
Dorrien Reivax
2nd Place Winner
Elion Balra
3rd Place Winner
Kamikaze Kaiten
1st Place Winner
Kamikaze Kaiten
2nd Place Winner
Dorrien Reivax
3rd Place Winner
W’llayan V’huh
Popular Choice Winner
W’llayan V’huh
Jimmy Scrambles
1st Place Winner
Vi Ria
2nd Place Winner
Sidhiel Lu’nari
Popular Choice Winner
Vi Ria
Get special fireworks from P'tako throughout the event!
Get your own summer-themed minion pal from Vi!
Get summer-themed Food & Drink Specials from Calliope!