Event Hosting
Everyone can host events with Fun Club!
Scheduled Fun Club events help create open opportunities for everyone in the FC community!
By hosting or leading an FC event, you agree to let anyone in the FC participate in your event as long as they meet your stated requirements.
Gather Interest
Gather interest in your event before requesting to schedule it.
Use the #party-up channel for combat events. Ping a role and see if anyone would be interested!
Use the #event-planning channel for social events and brainstorming!
Message Events Coordinator
If there's an event you'd like to host, contact Hana Song to help coordinate it!
We'll work with you to:
Brainstorm ideas and event format.
Consider days and times that don't conflict.
Add it to our FC Calendar.
Set up signup sheets.
Announce it at FC Meetings.
Announce Event
About 30min-1hr before your event, we recommend you post in FC chat!
Example FC chat post:
β Your Event! β Today at 6pm Pacific β Short description of your event!
Group up
When itβs time for your event to start:
Invite people to your party based on the signup sheet number shown next to peopleβs names on the sign-up sheet.
Announce in FC chat that youβre grouping up and ask if anyone else would like to join!
If there are more people interested than you have room for, plan to either split the party or rotate people when able.
Last updated