Archon Information
Learn all about becoming an Archon!
Want to help run our FC? Apply to become an Archon!
Archons are officers of the FC that volunteer to help in various official capacities. As an Archon, you would take on obligations and responsibilities to help out on a regular basis.
Archons are entrusted with advanced free company privileges, access to Archon Discord channels, and access to organizational documents and resources.
Archons are considered representatives of the FC and have the highest distinction and responsibility in the FC below the Antecedent and Co-Lead. Archons should be open-minded, friendly and helpful towards everyone in the Fun Club community.
General Eligibility
Completed the Endwalker main story, including all main story patches.
FC member for at least 10 days (check on Member List).
Posted an FC Discord introduction.
General Responsibilities
Perform the tasks and role you're volunteering for.
Perform 3 core functions:
Process new/returning members
Moderate in-game and Discord as needed
Facilitate service requests
Attend Team Meetings.
Maintain good communication with leadership, including responding to tells, Discord DMs, and discussions in Scion Discord channels.
Work with Google services, including Calendar, Docs, Sheets and Drive storage for screenshots.
Follow Archon Expectations.
Archons are offered 500k gil and a Company Tabard when promoted for the first time.
Get a gift of up to 1m gil per month as a thank-you for your help!
🛡️ General officers
General Archons support Fun Club's administrative and organizational needs. People in this position may be tasked with FC gardens, home design, Grade III actions, promotions, FC chest cleanup, restocking, raid food procurement, fellowship polls, donation tracking, FC meeting notes, screenshot galleries, social media, announcements, Discord FFXIV resources, screenshot contests, holiday events, and anything else we need help with. As a Fun Club General Archon, your responsibility would be to work with our current administrative and organizational goals and consider how we can improve our processes.
Potential Responsibilities
FC Gardens
Grow Thavnairian Onions
FC Home Design
Decorate for holidays
Redesign per Lead direction
Grade III Actions
Craft Grade III actions
Charge Grade III actions
Prime Grade III actions
Promote members upon request
Add promotions to Next Meeting Notes
FC Chest Cleanup
Clear out materials used to create items
Clean up excess minions
Raid Food Procurement
Determine latest tier raid food for tanks, healers and DPS
Craft or post request for members to sell needed raid food
Fellowship Polls
Summarize fellowship poll results in Next Meeting Notes
Screenshot and store fellowship poll
Put up a new fellowship poll day of FC meeting
Check FC chest history regularly for gil donations
Add donations to Donations sheet
Add donations to Next Meeting Notes
FC Meeting Notes
Collect and write in pertinent Lodestone news
Write in names of new members since last meeting
Copy Next Meeting Notes to public Meeting Notes after meeting ends
Post announcements with link to the Meeting Notes after meeting ends
MyAlbum Screenshot Galleries
Create galleries of FC meeting dress-up theme screenshots
Create galleries of all FC events
Create galleries of FC cash shop giveaway winners
Create galleries of all screenshot contest entries starting with winners
Twitter/X Social Media
Make posts with FC meeting dress-up theme screenshots, link to gallery, and link to YouTube video
Make posts with event screenshots, and link to gallery, and event YouTube video
Make posts with giveaway screenshots and link to gallery
Make posts with screenshot contest winners and link to gallery
Post announcements with event screenshots, link to gallery and event YouTube video
Post announcements with giveaway screenshots and link to gallery
Screenshot contests
Determine theme, prizes, judges, start and deadline
Request new screenshot contest channel
Post announcement in new screenshot contest channel with contest information
Create Raid Helper signup sheet that grants access to post in the new screenshot contest channel
Create screenshot contest judging scoresheet and distribute to judges
Create SurveyMonkey or similar with options to vote for Popular Choice
Post announcement for Popular Choice voting
Post announcement with screenshot contest winners and link to gallery
Pay winners and request reimbursement
Holiday Events
Coordinate potential holiday events for Spring Fun, Summer Beach Party, and Halloween Party
Graphic Design
Other general duties as needed
🔰 Recruiter
The FC Recruiter supports Fun Club's membership goals! People in this position actively recruit new members to the FC and help them get acclimated.
As the Fun Club Recruiter, your responsibility would be to bring more members to the FC while helping new and existing members feel at home!
Enthusiastically perform recruitment strategies regularly (min 3 days per week 30min per day)
Shout ads in cities/hubs (Limsa, Gridania, Ul'dah, etc.)
Send tells to people with no FC and ask about joining
Log text responses for reporting
Blind invite people who provide no response
Log number of blind invites distributed for reporting
Put up Party Finder ads
Spend time in a spot in Limsa or Gridania for FC visibility
Start friendly/helpful conversations with people
Provide weekly reports of recruitment efforts
Consider and coordinate ways to improve recruitment
Welcome and document newcomers per documentation
Check in with newcomers to see how they're doing
Last updated